Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Relief

Have you wondered how you can make an impact in the Earthquake disaster in Haiti? Writing a check or making a donation is a wonderful way to help. I've learned that get "STUFF" to the victims is critically important. I'm learning valuable lessons about how the "STUFF" will make a strong impact for the poorest of the poor. Maybe that's why the Lord laid on my heart, a very physical response to our neighbors in Haiti. I really wanted an opportunity for people in our great community of Hudson to get up and do something to provide STUFF.

Trinity Lutheran church is teaming up with two LCMS churches in Florida to help the earthquake victims of Haiti. In partnership with LCMS World Relief and Human Care, the Florida-Georgia LCMS district and Cross International will be sponsoring a number of 40 foot containers shipped as soon as possible filled with relief supplies to Haiti.
They are collecting the following relief items:
  • Bottled water
  • Canned food with pop tops
  • Peanut butter
  • Rice
  • Beans
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Bed sheets
  • Shovels
  • Buckets
  • Antibacterial ointment
  • Band aids
  • Washcloths
  • Soap
  • Good clean used clothing IF IT IS BOXED AND LABELED (i.e.; women's clothing, children’s clothing etc.) NOTE: Make sure clothing is boxed and labeled, we do not have volunteers available to box the clothing!!

You can drop off items at either Trinity Campus through the end of January.

For those of you who are not local but would like to help Trinity with this effort. There are financial needs for theis project You can mail your tax deductable contribution to...

Trinity Lutheran Church
1206 Sixth Street, Hudson, WI 54016

Write "Missions" in the memo line.

Or to make a contribution on line visit our website,, click on "Giving", go to the online giving form, enter amount on the line marked "Special" and put "Missions" in the memo line.

Join us in growing a heart for "Global Compassion"!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Main Purpose of Christian Worship Is to Receive God's Gifts

If you were to ask most people what "worship" is, they might say," Worship is praising the Lord" or "Worship is what human beings do to express their thanks to God" or "Worship is going to church," or something like that. While there is some truth to each of these answers, they do not adequately describe the main purpose of Christian worship.

The Lutheran tradition has a unique perspective on worship. We know that God's Word and His holy Sacraments are His precious gifts to us. They are the tools the Holy Spirit uses to give us forgiveness, life and salvation. The main purpose of worship is to receive these gifts from God. The Lutheran Confessions explain this truth as follows: "The service and worship of the Gospel is to receive good things from God" (Apology to the Augsburg Confession, Article IV.310).
When we worship at Trinity, God is present with us, His people, drawing us to Himself and giving us what we need so much--His mercy, forgiveness, love, joy, peace, power and comfort! The purpose of worship, therefore, is to be gathered by God around His gifts. This is the inspiration we talk about in our church values. We aren’t the inspirational ones, He is. He gives so much to us when we worship Him.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hudson’s Missional Motivation

J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905) was an English missionary to China. He founded the China Inland Mission which at his death included 205 mission stations with over 800 missionaries, and 125,000 Chinese Christians. I have always admired Him and his story is an inspiration to everyone who wants to see the Gospel message reach those who are not yet saved. What motivates you to be a part of God’s mission? So far, in addition to planting two independent congregations (River Falls & Houlton) Trinity has two mission stations. Imagine having the passion of Hudson Taylor, here in Hudson, Wisconsin!
Hudson Taylor was interviewing some young people who had volunteered for the Lord’s service. He asked several practical questions to find out how well qualified they were for the life they were anticipating. “And why do you wish to go as a foreign missionary?” “I want to reach others across the sea because Christ has commanded us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature,” one replied. Another said, “I want to go because millions are dying without ever having heard of Jesus, the only One who can save them.” Others have similar answers.
Hudson Taylor looked at them thoughtfully for a moment and then said. “All of your motives are good, but I fear they will fail you in times of severe testing and tribulation—especially if you are confronted with the possibility of having to face death for your testimony. The only motive that will enable you to remain true is stated in II Corinthians 5:14. “For the love of Christ compels us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all…”
Hudson’s missional momentum will keep us on the move in Hudson, Wisconsin and across the world. Our goals for Trinity all begin with the motivation of God’s love. Check out Goal #6 from the Strategic Plan!

Missional Momentum

  • Goal: The love of Christ compels us to utilize and leverage all our resources to effectively move forward on a daily mission to love God and others.

  • Objective: Trinity balances the ministries of program and provision under a single vision with an effective organizational structure for leadership and ministry.

It might interest you to know that Trinity’s leadership team is working very hard on all our goals. Goal # 6 is critical to keep us moving. But, without God’s love, all our best resources would accomplish very little. In the face of any and every hardship we must be compelled by His love.