Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mission Moves

I originally started this blog a few years back to promote the ministry values of a vision the Lord was giving me as the Lead Pastor of a large church. Now I'm shifting gears. These are still the values laid on my heart by God. He has helped me see that they are much bigger in my life than a vision for a church but for my entire life and ministry wherever God has need of me. I'm planning to use this blog to put forth my thoughts and ideas about ministry. I would enjoy comments and discussion. I will feature other writers from time to time. I've re-designed my original "TLC Cross" to convey those same values. the TLC Cross continues to serve the congregation where I originally worked with this mission vision. I've decided to leave my previous posts and the strategic plans that we developed because they are part of the history behind Mission Moves. I pray that God will direct my moves in the future.